Friday, July 28, 2006

We will Disappear...

We started with looks,
We enjoyed our smiles,
We interacted our feelings,
We were in the state of bliss,
We ended up in LOVE!
We know we cannot continue,
Bcoz one day...................
We will Disappear!!!!
Yours disappearingly

Thursday, July 27, 2006

^^^My Love^^^

Like the stars glitter in the sky,
You glitter in my heart!
Like the trees sway in the air,
You sway in my mind!
Like the rain wet the ground,
You wet my eyes!
Like the ship sail in the sea,
You sail in my blood!
You are the one i won,
You are the feel i feel,
You are MY LOVE i love!!!!
I luv You........
Yours Tuningly